Psychologists, scientists, and many other worlds over have been on a quest, a very long and seemingly endless quest; the object of the search is to determine ‘what love should consist of, The subject of this quest which scientists have…
Financial Ruins in the Name Of Love?
As the evictors threw his last belongings out of the plush 4- bedroom flat all James could say was that all he had done to be treated this disgracefully was because he wanted to move his new wife into an…
I Hit You Because I Love You
PHYSICAL ABUSE When asked why she put up with several years of bashing, thrashing and lashing she always replied “I always thought he beats me because he loves me, well that is what he often tells me when he puts…
Mental Abuse is just as bad as Physical Abuse
The judge struck the gavel on her table, the case was adjourned to a fortnight from now, and meanwhile, she ordered the serene looking slender spouse to be remanded in custody till the determination of the case and charges leveled…